Information for Parents

We aim to provide parents with as much useful infromation as possible. Please see the pages indicated at the side for specific details.

Furthermore, we also provide a wealth of additional support for parents as detailed below.

Reception Parent Induction Evening

In the summer term, prior to your child starting in Reception, we hold an induction evening to provide you with lots of information as to how to make your child's start of school as successful as possible. We issue school packs to support this process.

Parent Term 1 Learning Briefings

In Term 1 we provide evening learning briefings for parents of children to enable parents to know how best to support their child with reading / phonics / learning in class / curriculum support.

Parent Curriculum Learning Evenings

Each Autumn, usually in Term 2, we hold optional parent Curriculum Learning evenings where we explore ideas to help parents support their child's learning.

Daily access to staff and home-school logs

We provide daily access to staff at 8.40am for those brief check-ins parents may want to share. We are happy to arrange for longer meetings should parents request these with the teacher or through the school office.

If parents are unable to speak with the teacher, there is also a home-school log for parents to use to record any messages they think the teacher needs to know. Teachers may sometimes use this to communicate with individual parents as well.

Personal Pupil Targets

Each term we issue personal pupil targets to each child to enable the parents to know what would be the most beneficial aspect of Reading / Writing and Maths that they could provide additional support with at home in order to maximise their child's success.

Regular Newsletter / Dairy dates

Every few weeks we send out a newsletter detailing recent events, and key news. Diary dates are sent out each year / term and are also available on the MySchoolApp and the school website calendar.

Homelearning - spellings and phonics / maths / reading comprehension

Each week we provide high-quality resources to support parents to help their child with their home learning:

  • Weekly Phonics resources for KS1 / spellings for KS2
  • A Maths task from a dedicated CGP booklet aligned with the learning that week in class
  • A Comprehension task from a dedicated CGP booklet loosely aligned with the area of comprehension / text style that week in class

Termly Learning Webs /  Topic Unit Fact Files

Each Term we provide an overview learning web to parents to support parents to know what their child will be learning that term in class. Every few weeks we issue a topic Fact File for the non-core subjects their child will be learning. These contain the key knowledge their child will be learning about in that topic as well as useful websites to explore to support their learning at home.

Regular Parent 'Pop-ins' and KS1 'Stay and Play'

We run regualr parent pop-ins for parents to come into class and look through their childs learning in books, and on display.

KS1 hold regular 'stay and play' sessions for parents who would like to learn alongside their child.

Termly attendance figures - School Attendance Meetings

Each Term we provide termly attendance figures for each child to enable parents to ensure their child has good attendance. School Attendance meetings are held with those whose attendance is below 90% in order to plan togther ways to imporve attendance and thus long term outcomes and life chances.

Parent Forums

We hold Autumn / Spring and Summer Parent Forums to give parents a chance to ask questions or ask us to organise learning events for parents on how they can best support the children. We also use these to explore school development ideas with parents.

Parent / Teacher Consultations

In the Autumn and in the Spring we provide the opportunity for parents to meet with the class teacher to discuss the progress of their child.

Termly Top-Tips

Each term we send out a termly Top-Tips newsletter with useful information for parents on how to support their children to be successful at school.

Seasonal Reports and End of year report

Each year we provide a comprehensive and detailed annual report about each child so that parents know how successful their child has been during the year.

each season (Autumn / Spring / Summer) we provide a seasonal report for parents so that they know how their children are progressing. These are issued at Parent / Teacher Consultations and the Summer one is an extended version in the form of the End of Year Report.

SEN and Interventions

We provide regualr opportunities to meet our SENCO if your child has Special Educational Needs. We also provide seasonal termly updates on interventions your child is recieving at school.

Special Curriculum Updates

Specifc curriculum information evenings are provided annually such as Sex Education, etc.