PE & Sports Premium

Here at Coombe Bissett we are sports mad! We absolutely love PE, outdoor learning, adventurous learning and healthy competitive sports fostering the olympic spirit.

We utilize our Sports Premium Funding to:

  • faciliatate high quality PE provision
  • enable children to access high qaulityexternal sports coaching
  • widen children's engagement in healthy lifestyles - such as lunchtime clubs led by peer leaders, forest school, our outdoor adventure programme and adventure awards
  • enage children in mental health and mindfulness
  • enable ALL children to engage in regular termy competitive sports in our Termly Interteam Tournaments

Mindfulness and Mental Health

  • We have daily mindfulness moments in school - teachers choose the optimal time to engage their class in mindfulkness techniques to support mental wellbeing, calmness and managing their emotions such as: deep breathing techniques, doodling, yoga, wake and shake, cloud gazing, visualisation, etc
  • We talk daily about recognising and managing our emotions and the techniques to do this - helping the children to understand their feelings and express them in a healthy manner
  • We use pebbles in each class for the children to signal they might need some support - these children are nurtured through the teachers, their freinds, ELSA and a Mental Health First Aider

Interteam Tournaments

  • Termly competitive sports ranging from football to dodgeball
  • EVERY child represents their team each term - there are team bibs for every child
  • The winning team each term wins a trophy, but the biggest trophy goes to the team demonstrating the olympic spirit of determination, freindship, respect and sportsmanship

Sports Coaches and PE lessons

  • Each year each class has an external sports coach to work with them at developing their skills in a specific sport
  • External sports coaches and the higjly trained internal school staff deliver high quakity PE lessons
  • Our PE lessons explore a wide range of non-tradtional sports such as 'quad kids fitness challeneges', dance, handball, dodgeball, golf, american football, orienteering, and forest school as well as the traditiona football, tag rugby, hockey, gym, athletics, cricket, rounders, tennis.
  • There are 2x PE lessons a week as well as daily 'wake and shake' opportunities
  • Sports coaches are brought in to deliver high quality after school sports clubs such as football, rugby, netball, tennis, yoga, hockey, american football

Outdoor adventure

  • We regularly explore forest schools on site as well as at the Wiltshire Wildlife Reserve on our doorstep
  • Our UKS2 residential trips encourage adventurous activity such as canoing, rock climbing, abseiling
  • Our 'Adventure Awards' encourage children to explore healthy lifestyles outside of school

Please see below our sports premium plan.