

Wellbeing is at the heart of our curriculum and our ethos.  We define wellbeing as a combination of good mental health, physical health, emotional health, social and relational health and spiritual health.

We believe that our school will be a better place if the wellbeing of all is protected and nurtured.  This includes pupils, parents and staff.

Our core school values have wellbeing as a golden thread:

  • Care for our own and others wellbeing
  • Commit to our wellbeing and the wellbeing of others
  • Create opportunities for wellbeing, expressing ourselves as individuals for our wellbeing
  • Believe that wellbeing is centrally important to our development
  • Be brave by asking twice
  • Be brilliant and live a life lead by wellbeing

Wellbeing is built into our whole school curriculum and provision for pupils through:

  • Specific curriculum adaptations during COVID restrictions
  • PSHE lessons
  • RE lessons
  • PE lessons
  • Daily collective worship
  • Daily mindfulness moments
  • Daily emotions pebbles/charts
  • Tell us postboxes
  • Playtimes
  • Wellbeing spaces
  • Opportunities to take part in school discussions and have their voice heard
  • Opportunities for leadership
  • ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) staff
  • Mental Health First Aiders
  • A Senior Mental Health Lead
  • Links with outside agencies for further support

Wellbeing for our staff is protected through all reasonable efforts to reduce workloads, and to create a positive working environment.

Wellbeing for our parents is through offering regular discussions around their child, learning evenings, access to school community events and signposting for support.

During COVID restrictions it is not always possible to provide all of the above - but these precautions are a necessary part of keeping us all physically healthy - and thus protecting our wellbeing.

We have a dedicated Senior Mental Health Lead who supports staff with identifying any concerns and advises/signposts on provision.

We have produced a Wellbeing Action Plan to support further developments in our wellbeing provision.  This action plan takes into consideration the voice of the children and the staff.

You will see wellbeing reflected in many pages of our website but for specific links to wellbeing see below:

BBC  Bitesize advice for parents = https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z63htrd?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=wellbeing

NSPCC = https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/child-health-development/promoting-mental-health-wellbeing

NHS = https://www.nhs.uk/every-mind-matters/supporting-others/childrens-mental-health/

Please see our Wellbeing Policy for more information

Our provision is based on the 'Pyramid of Need' as shown below:


High Need

CAMHS referral

We assess this need through Ed Psych, Boxall Profile, SDQs (Strength & Difficulty Questionnaires)


ELSA programme in school

Advice from Ed Psych in the solution surgery

We assess this need through daily observation and pupil discussions having built up beyond the 'keep an eye on' stage, Tell Me postbox posts of a more concerning nature, staff discussions around children, 3x per year pupil survey, 3 Houses Tool

Keep an eye on

Prevention strategies such as building belonging activities, additional 'responsibilities' to reduce anxiety opportunities for space, opportunities for 'chats' with staff.  We assess the need for this through daily observation, Tell Me postbox posts, staff discussions around children, 3 x per year pupil survey, 3 Houses Tool

Offer to all

PSHE and RSE curriculum, Collective Worship programme, Wiltshire Healthy Schools programme, school Vision and Values, Learning Power, Behaviour chart, Emotions charts in class, Tell me postboxes, daily mindfulness moments, commitment to outdoor learning in the curriculum, 2 hrs PE each week, activities for play, calm and organised environment, specific physical spaces for calmness and fun around the school site, 3 x per year pupil wellbeing survey.